What does the issues page look like?
When you first click the Issues tab, you'll see a list of all the vulnerabilities that were found on your scanned targets. (You can of course filter this list by tag, target or target type: internal/external; as well as organise by severity or number of occurrences):
What does the 'Attack Surface' label mean?
Some issues on your account may have a yellow label added to them to show that it relates to your Attack Surface, as seen in the screenshot above. This highlights an exposed issue, not necessary for functionality, but will increase the attack surface of the target.
How do I see the details?
If you click on an issue, it'll open to reveal a list of all the occurrences, the age of the occurrence (dating back to when it was first detected) along with a description of the issues and recommended remediation advice.
You'll notice a few extra buttons which allow you to perform a number of tasks:
Send to
: Send issues to any of your integrated systems be it a ticketing or compliance.Snooze
: You can snooze at issue level or occurrence level by choosing the reason and the length of time you wish to snooze. Details on this can be found here.Rescan
: To confirm if your remediation efforts have been successful, kick off a remediation scan to check this specific occurrence for this specific issue.
What if I need more information?
You could be in luck. If the scanner captured more information, simply click on 'Scanner output' and view the corresponding information in the drawer on the right-hand side:
Can I view fixed issues?
Absolutely, it's the second tab. You can find all the same information as you can for current issues, though the age becomes when it was fixed. (Again you can filter this page by tag, target and target type (internal/external).
You can export your list of fixed issues as a CSV, if you wish:
What about snoozed issues?
What about issues filtered as noise?
They are tucked away in the final tab (along with an explanation for why they have been filtered as noise). Again, more information can be found here.
For users on our Vanguard plan, or those on Premium with any bolt-ons, you will see an Advisories section at the top of your issues page. These issues include weak credential scanning, bug hunting, rapid response or manual investigation (Vanguard only).
You can also request a retest right from the Issues page - read more about advisories here.