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How to delete internal targets (and remove the agent)

Deleting system you no longer wish to cover with Intruder's internal scanning agent

Updated over a month ago

When it comes to removing your internal systems from Intruder's coverage, there are three steps you must follow:

1. Delete the internal target

To do this, head to the Targets page, check the box next to the target in question and hit the 'Delete' button at the top.

Alternatively, press the "Actions" button, the three dots to the right of the target. You can then press the "Delete" button which appears in the pop out menu.

2. Unlink the agent

Navigate to the location where the agent was installed, and run the appropriate 'unlink' command, as shown below:

Windows (Run as Administrator)
* Assuming that the agent is installed in the default location

"C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus Agent\nessuscli.exe" agent unlink


sudo /opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessuscli agent unlink


sudo /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli agent unlink

After the agent is unlinked, Intruder will automatically remove the internal system from your targets list. This process can take up to 5 minutes. The license for the internal target will be released 30 days from the last time it was scanned.

3. Uninstall the agent

Follow the steps in the relevant OS guide to uninstall the agent (including any appended notes). Once you've done that reboot the system.

I now need to re-install the agent and re-add the target

If you've followed the steps above to try and troubleshoot an issue you're having with the agent or internal target, you'll need to start again from scratch – but make sure you use a different DeviceName (otherwise you'll likely to face further complications):


Can I off-board internal targets in bulk?

Unfortunately, it's not possible to automate the whole process, but if you use an MDM you could unlink the agents en masse, but the rest of the process would require the owner of the machine to run commands locally and for someone to then delete the relevant targets in the portal.

  1. Deploy a script via your MDM containing the unlinking command below (assuming the agent is installed in the default location)

    Windows (Run as Administrator)

    "C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus Agent\nessuscli.exe" agent unlink


    sudo /opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessuscli agent unlink


    sudo /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli agent unlink​

  2. Ask the owner of each machine to uninstall their agent, by following the steps in the relevant OS guide (including any appended notes).

  3. Ask the owner of each machine to reboot the system.

  4. Head to targets page > filter by Internal and Unlinked:

  5. Bulk select the targets and hit the 'Delete' button.

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