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Restoring your MacOS device(s)

Restore your target(s) in three easy steps

Updated over a year ago

How do I know if it has been restored by Tenable?

Head to your Targets page > Licenses > Filter by Internal > Order by Deleted (we're interested in those deleted on 8th/9th August)

If they been restored, they'll look like this:

If they haven't been restored, they'll be greyed out and will look like this:

How do I manually restore?


sudo /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli agent unlink


Using the same target name you used initially to link the device, please run this command:

sudo /Library/NessusAgent/run/sbin/nessuscli agent link --host="" --port="443" --key=819652a91d674e8d5be08e21299f1a3c69bd9806c72e24bc05df6b32b8db7fe1 --name=[Prefix_Targetname]

Check that it worked

⚠️ You must run the command as Admin, in the folder when nessucli is installed (default locations below):

 cd "C:\Program Files\Tenable\Nessus Agent\"

The most common output (and next steps, if necessary) can be found here.

Kick off a scan

You can do this from several places in the portal, but the easiest is from the targets page. Simply select the target(s) and hit scan:

Questions you might have

What does this mean for my licenses?

Once relinked and restored, the target will continue to use the same license - with the consumption period being reset by the next scan you run on it. So no additional licenses required.

What does this mean for my tags?

Once the target has been restored, so will the tags.

What does this mean for my scheduled scans?

  • If all targets in the scheduled scan were deleted, you’ll need to recreate the scheduled scan

  • If some of the targets in the scheduled scans were deleted, you’ll need to re-add them to the schedule once relinked

  • If the scheduled scan was based on a tag, and only some of the targets were deleted, the tag will be restored and the targets re-added to the scan once relinked.

What if I use group deployment?

If you used a tool to automate the roll out when you first deployed the agent, then it's probably best to automate the unlinking and relinking. Unfortunately we can't offer any specific guidance or instruction on this, as the method and software used will be unique to each company.

Where can I find my prefix?

Click Add target > Internal Targets:

Click View configuration keys

Copy the Prefix (the one below has been partially redacted):

What is the target name?

The name you give to your device so you can easily identify it in the portal.

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