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Scan scheduling

How to schedule one-off or repeating scans to run in the future

Updated over a year ago

By default, the tool schedules a scan to run at midnight (your local timezone) on the day you sign-up, and every 30 days thereafter. Though you do have the option to edit or delete this scan if you want to coordinate your own date and time.

All users can initiate scans-on-demand, but those with a Pro, Premium and Vanguard subscription have the added ability to schedule unlimited scans in advance (either as a one-off, or to recur on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis).

Schedule a new scan

When on the Scans page, you will see any Scheduled Scans appear on the right hand side. To create a new Scheduled Scan, click the 'Add Scan' button and the configuration window will appear.

From here, you'll want to populate all the fields (as explained below):

  • Select your tag(s) or target(s) from the dropdown.
    Please note that if you don't select anything, it will scan all active targets at the time the scan runs.

  • Choose a date and time for the scan to start.

    Please note that any scans created by a user will be scheduled in the time zone set on their own Account Settings page

  • Choose whether this is a one-off or recurring scan:

    • Daily (Premium and Vanguard)

    • Weekly – Monday to Sunday (Pro, Premium and Vanguard)

    • Monthly – 1st to 31st (Essential, Pro, Premium and Vanguard)
      Same date each month (unless the date isn't applicable)
      Scans scheduled for the 29th, 30th or 31st – will fall to the last date in the month. eg. February 28th

    • Quarterly – 1st to 31st (Pro, Premium and Vanguard)
      Same date every three months thereafter.

  • Add a scan name so you can identify it easily on the scans page.

When you're done, click 'Schedule Scan'.

Please note that the scan will run using whichever Scan Priority is defined on the settings page at the time the scan runs. You can read more about this here.

Edit a scheduled scan

To edit a Scheduled Scan, navigate to the Scans page, find the relevant scan, press the three dots and click the Edit button:

From here, you can amend targets/tags; the date; time; frequency and name of the scan. Once that's complete, just hit 'Update scan' and the changes will be applied:

Delete a scan

To delete a scheduled scan, head to the Scans page, find the relevant scan on the Scheduled section on the right hand side, and click the Delete button:

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