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Microsoft Azure integration

Connect Intruder to Microsoft Azure to synchronise your targets

Updated over 3 months ago

Our Azure integration supports external-facing IPs and hostnames from DNS zones.
Azure app service endpoints (including web apps) would need to be added manually (as would internal-only VMs).

There are two places you can add your Microsoft Azure account in the portal:

From the Targets page by clicking the yellow + Add Targets button then clicking Cloud Account Sync:

Or, from the Integrations page by clicking on the green + Add button under Azure:

Create an application for Intruder

  1. Log in to the Azure management portal > search for App registrations using the search functionality > click App registrations:

  2. Click on the 'New registration' button:

  3. Enter a name (we recommend 'Intruder' or something similar) then click Register:

Retrieve the Application ID, Application secret key, Directory ID and Subscription ID from Azure

  1. We require four access keys to connect your Azure account to Intruder:

    You need to get them from various sections of the Azure portal, so it's probably best to open a text document that you can copy them into. It should all be straightforward if you follow the steps below, so hang in there!

    1. Application (client) ID

      • Click on the 'Intruder' application that we just created

      • Click 'Overview' and take a note of the
        Application (client) ID.
        (You'll need this for the 'Application ID' field in the Intruder portal.)

    2. Directory (tenant) ID

      You can also get the Directory (tenant) ID from this screen so let's note that one down too.
      (You'll need this for the 'Directory ID' field in the Intruder portal.)

    3. Application secret key (in Azure you're looking for the secret 'VALUE')

      • Now scroll down and click on Certificates & secrets in the left navigation panel

      • Click on the New client secret button:

      • Enter a description (e.g. 'Intruder')

      • Set an expiry date (i.e. how long you want the secret to be valid for).
        (⚠️ Please note that Intruder will no longer be able to access your Azure account when the secret expires.)

      • Now click Add and note down the secret VALUE. (Not the Secret ID).
        (You'll need this for the 'Application secret key' field in the Intruder portal.)

        ⚠️ Please note that you won't be able to see that 'Application secret key' again after you've left this screen, so make sure you copy and paste it now!

    4. Subscription ID

      • Search for Subscriptions using the search functionality and click to see the 'Subscriptions' menu.

      • Select your subscription from the list of Azure Subscriptions displayed. The following screenshots show the 'Intruder' subscription but yours will likely be specific to your organisation

      • Take note of your Azure Subscription ID:
        (You'll need this for the 'Subscription ID' field in the Intruder portal)

Create a role

  1. Within your subscription detail page, select 'Access control (IAM)' from the left menu

    1. Click Add

    2. Then click Add role assignment.

  2. A new window will appear.

    1. Type Reader into the search box

    2. Click on the Reader item in the dropdown. (We require read-only access in order to fetch your public IP addresses and DNS hostnames.)

    • Click 'Next'

  3. Ensure the Assign access to property is set to User, group, or service principal:

  4. Click 'Select members', and in the pop up window, search for the application we created earlier (e.g. 'Intruder', or whatever you chose to name it).

  5. Choose that application from the list, and click 'Select':

Enter the IDs and Keys into the Intruder portal

  1. Log into the Intruder portal > Targets page > Cloud accounts > Add account > Microsoft Azure:

  2. Enter the Application ID, Directory ID, Application secret key and Subscription ID > click 'Add account':

The next thing you'll see is this modal 👇, for automated management of your cloud targets.

If that's not of interest and you'd like to manage them manually, skip the boxes and simply press Confirm setup.

Intruder scans comply with Microsoft's Penetration Testing Rules of Engagement.

Note: Azure integration is only available for customers on our Pro, Premium and Vanguard plans.

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