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Azure: Common integration issues/errors

Running into trouble with your Microsoft Azure integration, this article covers the most common issues and how to fix them

Updated over 4 months ago

"We couldn't connect your Azure account"

You might see an error that looks something like this:

Why is this happening?

There can be a few reasons for this error but nothing that can't be rectified, the most common causes are:

  • The credentials might be copied over incorrectly or entered into the wrong section

  • There's an issue with the Secret Key

  • There's an issue with the Reader role

  • There's a conflict in your Azure permissions which is causing issues with setting up Roles, Secret Keys, new App Registrations, etc.

How can I fix it?

Not to worry all of these issues can be fixed relatively easily, but it's worth making sure you have the necessary permissions to explore the troubleshooting steps outlined below.

⚠️ Credential Issues

This is the easiest issue to fix and might seem a self explanatory but these recommendations are to ensure nothing is missed.

  1. Head to App Registrations by searching for app registrations in Azure:

2. Click on the App you set up for Intruder:

3. Copy the names and values to your nominated note taking platform to ensure these values are correct. (Notably, Application (Client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID.)

⚠️ Please note: The Secret Key value this disappears after first set up).

4. Copy the Secret Key from here:

5. Head to Subscriptions by searching subscriptions in the Azure portal and clicking here:

6. This will then open the Subscriptions dashboard where they can copy the Subscription ID highlighted here:

⚠️ Secret Key Issues

  1. Head to App registrations by searching for app registrations in Azure:

2. Click on the app you set up for Intruder:

3. Click 'Certificates and secrets' :

4. Copy your Secret Key
⚠️ You can only see the Secret Key on initial creation so store it somewhere safe:

⚠️ Role Issues

  1. Had to Subscriptions by searching subscriptions in the Azure portal and clicking here:

2. This will then open the Subscriptions dashboard where you can click on the appropriate Subscription name > Access control (IAM):

3. From the Access control (IAM) section > Role assignments.
The App for Intruder should be listed here under Reader:

4. If it's not listed here you can simply hit the + Add button at the top (highlighted above), this will then open a panel to Add role assignments > search Reader in the highlighted search box > click the Reader role > Next:

5. Click + Select Members > search Intruder (or the name of of your App service for Intruder), then click on Intruder > Next :

6. Review the Role you're adding, once you're happy click Assign at the bottom:

This should resolve any issues with Role permissions.

⚠️ User Permission Issues

If you run into an error at any point of this section then you might not have sufficient permissions and will need to check with your Azure administrator.

This one is a bit tougher to diagnose as it depends entirely on your organization's Azure configuration.

  1. To check, head to Azure Active Directory (soon to be rebranded to Microsoft Entra ID) by searching for Azure AD in you Azure portal and clicking here:

2. Head to Users:

3. Select yourself (i.e. your own name/account):

4. Clicking into Azure Role Assignments and Assigned Roles will show their current roles and you'll be able to see the permissions attached; if you're missing admin or have reader only roles you'll need to contact your Azure administrator for assistance:


I need to generate a secret key

No worries, you can do so by clicking the buttons shown below:

How do I check if my Secret Key has expired?

If it has expired, you'll see a little warning icon, as shown below:

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