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Linux: Install via the wizard

How to set up our agent-based internal scanning solution to protect Linux devices in your internal network

Updated over 8 months ago

For each agent that you install, you must have a license available; if you don't, the machine(s) won't show up on your targets page.
(eg. If you're installing the agent onto 10 machines, you must have 10 licenses available.)

For group deployment, have a read of this article.

Please note, each machine must have a unique device name; if you use the same name as an existing internal target, it won't link.

Step 1: Download the agent installer (but don't launch it)

1. Head to the targets page > select Add target > Internal Targets

​2. Choose between a Single agent deployment (providing instructions and a link to download the agent for the machine) or Mass deployment (providing the parameters you need for your installation script).


If choosing Single Agent deployment:

3. Enter the details for the machine you wish to scan:

  • πŸ‘‰ Operating System

  • πŸ‘‰ Operating System version

  • πŸ‘‰ Your device name (this must be unique and contain only letters, numbers or hyphens)

  • πŸ‘‰ (optional) Add any tag(s)

➑️ Hit 'Download agent'

Note: The version of Linux you're using could influence where nessus downloads to

Step 2: Install the agent + link the agent

πŸ‘‰ Open terminal

πŸ‘‰ Run the first command (to install the agent)

πŸ‘‰ Run the second command (to link the agent)

Step 3: Reboot the machine

You should see something like this pop up:

Note that for a scan to run on this target, the machine will need to be online and able to reach for the target to show as responsive.

Possible error messages

error: Failed dependencies:

This means that the installation has failed because some dependencies need to be installed first – they should be listed under this message. If you could install them first, and then try the installation again, it should work.

What do the statuses mean?

You may notice an amber status under the Latest Activity column, like this:

This status gives an insight into the current status of the installation or linking process.

Status Message


Added. Awaiting agent.

The target has been added to the Intruder portal but the agent is not yet linked and reporting back from the target.

Agent unlinked/uninstalled.

The agent has been unlinked or removed from the target, this would indicate something has happened locally on the target to remove the connection to Intruder.

If you have any trouble, please click the button below:

Note: Internal vulnerability scanning is available to users with a Pro, Premium or Vanguard plan.

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